Your face to face interactions are now more valuable than ever. How do you emphasize the importance of a productive connecting in your organization?
Recent report regarding Shopify cutting down on meetings due to costs. Published in CNN Business News by Jennifer Korn on July 12, 2023, a staggering $700 - $1600 is lost every 30 minutes’ unproductive meetings between any 3 employees of the organization. They have coined the phrase ‘time is money’ which has been one of the BforB slogan since 2005.
The lack of studies to support the cost of lack of meetings, unresolved gaps in communications and skills could potentially unbalance these assertions. Many team members will suspend dealing with challenges and queries in bid to get a group to help shed a light or a perspective on the issues that could be raised and resolved collaboratively at meetings.
Few innovate solutions that are available from other people’s perspective can also be missed when interactions are limited or removed. The valuable passing of experience and the reflective feedback can also be lost.
In essence, reduced meetings exposes a wider gap in team support and relationship building allowing for potential issues of isolation at work. Mental health and other employee well – being that is left unnoticed for a longer period of time is another concern in these types of work places.
At BforB, we have structured meetings and managed outcome. It is therefore a well-designed enhancement for your business with one goal in mind. Increased productivity and efficiency. For more details how to visit our meetings email: