Successful presentation mostly depends on clarity of communiting your objectives to your audience. Your message should be clear and easy to understand. Use simple, jargon-free language and avoid using too much technical detail or unnecessary information. Stick to the objectives of your presentation. Presentations that are aimed to introduce product and services should only have made to satisfy the “what” questions.
For example: (to a property company)
What is it that you do? We build eco – driven retirement accommodations for the city of Manchester.
What is it that you are about? Our company is about being affordable and fast completion. Our affordable doesn’t mean cheap and fast meant cost – effective without cutting corners.
When demonstrating technical aspects of your business and exploring the “how” sections of what you do use visual aids such as charts, graphs, or images to illustrate your points maintain the use of primary language.
Altogether the what, when, how, who, why aspects of your presentation is best in clearly labelled and individual parts of your presentation.
As with previous Blogs, practice makes perfect.The importance of the outcome of your presentation should be given a similar level of preparation paying important attention to your personal and business reputation.
